Thursday, 8 December 2011

Hello Friends,
This will just be a brief posting as I know one or two of my readers are wondering what has been happening in my neck of the woods.
I think it is with Christmas fast approaching that I am feeling a bit "blue"  This will be the first Christmas in over 30+ years that we have not all been celebrating together at my sister Sarah's....Oh what fun over the years we have many fabulous dinners etc etc. including one very memorable one when there was I think 23 of us crammed into the dining room including friends from New Zealand. I have never seen so much food eaten in all my life !!...and laughs...what wonderful remembrances.. This year I have said to Beth my niece that I think we should try to start our own new traditions...and to that end I will stay here at home with just Mary and of course Peter our neighbour who although he has a Father down south he prefers to to stay will certainly be different....To cap all last week my wee dog Dee started to take fits during the night of last Sunday.  I took him to the vet Mon. and again for blood tests wed. the upshot was that he was diagnosed with a serious liver problem that really could not be treated as well as the fits..and so I decided as I loved him so much that it would be kind to have him put to sleep...It was even harder that I had imagined as he deteriorated so fast I had to call the out of hours vet and take him to be put to sleep after midnight on Thurs/Frid.  I even had to call  Peter out of bed to come with me....Those who have lost a loved pet will understand just how empty I am feeling and so not really up to doing a longer post.
I promise I will be in before Christmas..
Till then remember to  LOVE ONE ANOTHER.


  1. It's so sad Sybs, losing a beloved dog. My thoughts will be with you at Christmas as always, and my wishes that despite everything, you will be able to enjoy Christmas with Peter and Mary. Try to keep your chin up. Dee wouldn't want you sad xxx

  2. i did leave you a message on group,but i will add here,how sorry i am for you little cat keeps going,but is getting old now,and one day i shall have to do the same for is the best we can do for them.sad time,but i hope you find one or two of Barbs SHINY moments over the christmas season,wishing you all the best,love mort xxx

  3. I know how you feel about losing your friend. We had much the same situation with our little furry girl. Still hurts. But, you loved him enough to let him go. May God be with you and him.

  4. You've had a rough time, but know hugs and love are being sent to you. I wish I could just stop by and we could chat and have a cup of tea.

  5. Oh bless you for your losses this year. I do know what is like to loose beloved little pets. It's been almost 2 years now since there were any dogs or cats here at my house. I lost 2 cats and 1 dog in the same year and that was very hard. They were all old and so really did live good lives and I did enjoy them so much but now I will not have any more as the loss is just too hard on me. Still and all life does go on and as you say we must make the best and do what we can . New traditions have been happening here at my house for years it seems. So many changes have come about and the thing is I'm sure there will be more ahead too. My family all have their own families and have their own traditions they are making and most do not live close by at all. Those of that can will celebrate together next Saturday and then Christmas for me will be a quiet one at home alone. It's been that way for me for some time now.
    Lots of Love and hugs are being sent your way.

  6. Sybil, you have had to experience so much loss this year. It would have anyone feeling a bit down. Be kind to yourself. I am keeping you in my deepest thoughts and prayers. Love you lots.

  7. I hope, Sybil, that you'll have a Christmas to help you left your spirits. You've been through the mill these past 18 months. With you in spirit,

    Guido {}

  8. Dear precious Sybil my heart is aching for you right now. I understand completely about your loss of Dee. It really hurts to loose our beloved pets.
    You have been through so much this year that I just wish I could wrap my arms around you and give you a big hug.
    I know this time of the year is hard on you but I like that you are starting new traditions. Wish they involved coming to Texas to see me.
    After my hubby left us and then my Mom passed away it seems like Christmas just never was the same but each year I do my best to enjoy the season as much as I can. So I know a little of the pain your feeling and so dear Sybil be kind to yourself and know that I am thinking of you and holding you up in prayers now and always.
    Leaving for Iowa later today but will write you while I am away.
    Once again I am so sorry for your loss of Dee.
    Love ya

  9. Dear Sybil,
    I am so sorry to hear about your dog. We had to have our 11 year old, Heidi, put to sleep last year. She was my 4 legged daughter and I still miss her a lot. You have had so much loss of loved ones. No wonder you are down. My love and prayers are with you. You said that my "smiles blog" lifted your spirits for a while. I am glad. I hope that you can feel the love and best wishes I am sending your way. I hope that this Christmas will be happier than you think it can be. I hope you will feel the love others have for you.... and I am sure that your departed loved ones will be much closer than you know. I am sending love and hugs, Lura

  10. Dear Sybil
    Could not sleep so got up and thought I would come by and say hello.
    My trip to Iowa was canceled and I was somewhat relieved because it was just not a good time to be traveling up North with the weather changing as fast as it does.
    It is actually raining and in the 70's today. One day it is freezing next day 70's. lol
    Your in my thoughts all the time and I looked and looked for your address but could not find it. If you don't mind me having it can you email it to me.
    I promise it is just for mailing you and not dropping in on you. hahaha
    Guess I should try and see if I can get any sleep. Just wanted you to know I am praying for you and hoping that you are ok.
    Love ya

  11. Sending Big Hugs dear Sybil,so sorry for your losses and sadness these past months.

    Wishing you a peaceful and blessed Christmas.
